Worldwide, women and girls spend an estimated 200 million hours — daily — collecting water.

I wasn’t ok with that and I’m still not! When our kids were young, as parents we began to intentionally think about how our little family of 5 could have a positive impact on our world. Our youngest spurred us on with her understanding that this water crisis “is not fair!”. Our family began to Walk for Water to raise funds and we haven’t stopped since…and we won’t until everyone has clean water. Parents, want to join us? My wife wrote a free family devotional guide to help parents dive deeper into this issue with their kids. Access it under the Parents section.

This year for my 55th birthday I will walk, collect and filter my water (using a household filter provided by 20 Liters) for the 55 days leading up to my birthday. Why?  To raise funds for families in Rwanda who don’t currently have access to clean, safe drinking water. $100 can provide an entire family with a household filter that provides clean water for at least 10 years! Please donate!  Online or by check (payable to 20 Liters - 55 for 55 in the memo line).

Together let’s help make dirty water clean.

Ed Z

P.S. If $100 seems steep, think about trying to save $2 for 50 days... which is less than the cost of a daily cup of coffee.


If you prefer to give by check, make it payable to "20 Liters" with 55 for 55 in the memo line. Send it to: 

20 Liters
2900 Wilson Ave. SW Ste 110
Grandville, MI 49418

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